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1st Advisory Board Meeting this week in Umeå

The Varieties of Peace Advisory Board will meet at Hotel Uman in Umeå från Wednesday the 6th of September through Friday the 9th of September. This is the first meeting of the group and the task at hand is to review and improve the Varieties of Peace joint analytical framework. All projects within the program will also be presented and their contributions to the overarching goals and aims of the program will be discussed.

In addition to the Advisory Board members, meeting will be attended by invited program application reviewers, and of course, the Varieties of Peace team of researchers.

Guests from abroad include Christine Smith-Simonsen, Arctic University of Norway; Elin Bjarnegård, Uppsala University; Lorraine Elliott, Australian National University; Marie-Joëlle Zahar, University of Montreal; Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs, Folke Bernadotte Academy; Morten Bøås, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; Peter Wallensteen, Uppsala University; Richard Jackson, University of Otago; SunYong Lee, University of Otago.

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