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Call for Papers - Varieties of Peace Asia Conference, Jakarta 22-24 October 2019

The first major international Varieties of Peace Concerence will take place in Jakarta, Indonesia on 22–24 October 2019 and is arranged in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The purpose of the conference is to bring together peace scholars, in particular those working in the region and scholars who focus on peace in the region, and discuss ongoing research. We are aiming for a conference with around 40 participants, including the Varieties of Peace Swedish Core Group and International Advisory Board. The size of the conference is pending a funding decision. We welcome contributions from junior as well as more senior researchers. The conference will consist of keynote speakers, round-table discussions and parallel paper panels.

More information about the coming Asia Conference can be found here.

Full text of the call for papers can be found here.


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