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Alejandro Esteso Pérez

Call for Papers: "Exploring and Explaining Varieties of Peace" Virtual Research Workshop

Varieties of Peace Network Virtual Research Workshop

"Exploring and Explaining Varieties of Peace"

February 4 2021, 12.30 - 16.30 CET

For decades, peace and conflict studies have devoted more attention to conflict than to peace, and despite its centrality, peace itself has been under-conceptualized. The Varieties of Peace Research Network aims to facilitate sustained exchange within the broader networks of academic scholars and practicioners with an interest and expertise in the field of varieties of peace. Recent research by network members has advanced conceptual understandings as well as empirical insights into the variety of ways in which peace is manifested, experienced and understood.

For example, a novel framework for conceptualizing and analyzing relational peace has already generated significant scholarly interest, and published articles for a forthcoming special issue have highlighted how different forms of peace can emerge even in the midst of war, and be produced through interventions such as music-based peacebuilding. Other recent publications demonstrate the gendered dynamics of post-war transformations; explore the role of ceasefire for the evolution of peace; and highlight how notions of peace can also be deployed to legitimize political repression and inequality.

However, these contributions have only begun to chart out research directions that can capture varieties of peace between and beyond dichotomous conceptions of positive versus negative peace, or successful versus failed peace processes, and generate more nuanced understandings of peace in its empirical complexity and diversity. Aiming to further advance this collective effort, this virtual research workshop provides an opportunity for members of the network, as well as other scholars interested in its research agenda, to share ideas and discuss ongoing work. Contributions to the workshop are expected to showcase a diversity of approaches to analyzing peace, and address questions of how the nature or character of peace across empirical contexts and levels of analysis can be described and explained.

If you would like to present your research during the workshop, please submit a 200-word abstract and a short bio/presentation to Elisabeth Olivius,, no later than January 7th, 2021.

For further information, you can download the Call for Papers here.

Participants will be notified of acceptance by January 13th, 2021. A detailed program, practical information, and zoom link will be distributed to registered participants thereafter.

We are looking forward to connecting and to learning more about your research!

If you are not already a member of the Varieties of Peace Research Network, sign up at


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