Event: Launch of JPD Special Issue 'Exploring Varieties of Peace'
The Varieties of Peace Research Network is glad to announce the launch of its Special Issue in the Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, and invites all those interested to take part in its forthcoming event:
Launch of JPD Special Issue: Exploring Varieties of Peace
April 28, 15.00-16.30 CET
This special issue, titled Exploring Varieties of Peace, seeks to advance conceptual understandings as well as empirical analyses of peace that provide new insights into the ways in which peace is manifested, experienced, and understood. Bringing together analysis of cases such as Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and South Africa, the special issue advances the agenda and offers several promising new directions for how varieties of peace can be explored across time and space.
This launch event introduces the special issue, presents some of its findings, and discusses its contributions to studies of peace. The 90-minute Zoom roundtable presents structured interventions as follows:
The research problem and the response: overview of the Special Issue – Dr. Elisabeth Olivius and Dr. Malin Åkebo, Special Issue editors
Special Issue author presentation – Dealing with Sri Lanka’s Demons: Using Documentary Film for Peacebuilding, Dr. Nilanjana Premaratna, Umeå University
Discussant interventions: How does the Special Issue advance the study of peace?
Professor Timothy Sisk, University of Denver
Professor Marie Joelle Zahar, University of Montreal
Dr. Erin McCandless, University of Witwatersrand
Open audience discussion and questions
Register here.
For more information on the event, see this brochure:
Stay tuned for more updates on this Special Issue launch event!